Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Flood Of SHIBA INU Buyers Crashes Coinbase

Flood Of SHIBA INU Buyers Crashes Coinbase Tens of millions of Coinbase users got locked out of their accounts just around 330 pm when Shiba Inu (SHIB), the Ethereum-based Dogecoin copycat altcoin which has a total circulating supply of 1 quadrillion (hardly scarce) and which was already about up 60% for the day (and up a few million % in the past year), saw a flood of buy orders... .... resulting in a crash in Coinbase and this "welcome" message: At that moment, the token which is basically a spoof of Dogecoin (and just as valuable), had reached a market cap of over $30 billion, making it bigger than Doge. So powerful was the scramble to participate in the relentless Dogecoin momentum, it is the reason for today's drop in Bitcoin and Ethereum, both of which tumbled overnight when the latest buying spree commenced... ... and which soared higher the moment Coinbase went down and its accounts couldn't sell the two largest cryptos to buy what is by definition a joke altcoin. And yes, SHIB, like DOGE, may be a "joke" crypto but that hardly matters to anyone who bought it and held at any time in the past few weeks/months and held: their profits are greater than any other asset class in the world right now. Tyler Durden Wed, 10/27/2021 - 16:30

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