Wednesday, June 30, 2021

How To Profit From Inflation With Gold, Silver and Mining Stocks, expert explains


Conrad Black: A Tsunami Of Crises About To Swamp Biden Administration

Conrad Black: A Tsunami Of Crises About To Swamp Biden Administration Opinion authored by Conrad Black via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The Biden-Harris administration is now in an extended levitation of credibility. Except for Donald Trump, who entered office in the midst of a public relations terror campaign against him and had no trace of a political honeymoon, all incoming presidents arrive with a favoring wind of bipartisan goodwill behind them. A group of Venezuelans wait to be picked up by Border Patrol after illegally crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico into Del Rio, Texas, on June 3, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times) Especially as President Biden came into office promising a quieter and more genteel atmosphere and has largely done that, it is not surprising that his general popularity has been sustained at somewhat above 50 percent these first five months. But for a long time the Democrats have not had any war-cry except “We’re not Trump” and “That is racism.” In service to that credo, from Inauguration Day they have taken the position that they would do the reverse of anything Trump did: outright reaction unsupported by any analysis. Nothing else is conceivable as an explanation for their southern border policy. As Vice President Harris checked the box by going to El Paso, 800 miles away from the more agitated areas of illegal southern entry last week, she repeated the mantra that this administration inherited a mess. The polls are unanimous in indicating that the public realizes they did not inherit a mess; they inherited the almost complete end of illegal immigration and they squandered it instantly and jubilantly by effectively inviting the world to enter while having the hapless Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas repeat like a Disney World self-propelled puppet “The border is closed.” Television viewers can switch channels from that almost daily pronunciamento to see illegal immigrants swarming across by land and through water. Illegal immigration is now running at the rate of two million a year, which is an unsustainable level of entry of almost entirely unskilled people who will severely strain the social and educational and public security services of the southern border states. It is a crisis closing in upon a disaster, and the public can already see it approaching. All that can be said for the vice president’s visit to El Paso, where she was welcomed by the gushy local Democratic congresswoman to the “21st Century Ellis Island,” (where people arrived legally and some were rejected), is that it was nothing like as great a fiasco as her visit to Mexico and Guatemala three weeks ago. There she conspicuously failed to excite the enthusiasm of the American public to deluge more billions of dollars into those improvident areas in order to tackle “the sources of the problem”—the ancient liberal death wish of turning America’s pockets inside out to fight poverty in poor foreign countries by enriching their avaricious politicians. Inflation The tsunami of crises that are about to break over this administration do not stop at the southern border. It is no longer possible to disguise that inflation is stoking up. Awareness of this has been clouded and deferred because the composition of the index does not necessarily reflect the needs of average families. If the figures are broken out and averaged in traditional ways, the current rate of inflation appears to be something like eight or 9 percent and it will continue to remain high while the Sanders wing of the Democratic Party, which was solely responsible for the so-called Biden-Sanders Unity Program, is sticking to its guns. It demands and may force trillions more dollars to be thrown out of the windows of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve in an instant and artificial expansion of the money supply. The president’s latest wheeze for trying to satisfy Sanders while making a gesture to advocates of sane fiscal policy was his professed agreement on a bipartisan infrastructure bill, which almost everyone agrees is needed and is a good thing, followed a couple of hours later by the assertion that it would not be approved if not accompanied by a much larger “virtual infrastructure” measure. The Republicans who had agreed the bipartisan measure rose in revolt and the president, as is his custom, (and as is made plausible by his frequently turgid inarticulation), announced that he had been misunderstood. For the first time he is under some pressure to work himself out of one of the jams that he has blundered into, instead of just shrugging it off and relying on the docile media to ignore it. If he retains any of his old Senate bargaining skill, he may be able to come through it with his credibility intact. But he is trying to govern from a high wire, a very hazardous procedure for so unsteady a leader. Crime Even more urgent than the surging immigration and imminent inflation crises is the entirely predictable and much predicted crime wave. Violent crime is up everywhere and especially in Democratic-governed cities that cravenly bowed to the outrageous demands in the “peaceful protests” of last summer that injured 2000 police personnel, killed approximately 50 people, and caused over $2 billion of property damage. The rioters, almost none of whom would have been Republican voters, demanded that the police be defunded and “reimagined” and this was done in many cities, generating violent crime increases of from 25 to 150 percent. All Biden’s nonsense about shooting to hit people in the leg and enlisting social workers and psychologists to go out on 911 calls is vanishing in the vast cauldron of skyrocketing violent crime. Many formerly feasible neighborhoods are terrorized by gangs and conditions are undoubtedly aggravated by sluggish work from police forces that are tired of being the scapegoats for racist urban terrorists. The ranks of American urban police are thinning rapidly as the people in blue can easily find less hazardous and more highly appreciated work. The president’s address on crime on June 23 took refuge in the usual Democratic arguments about gun control. No doubt the gun laws can be better enforced, but the counter-argument that in such lawless conditions, the existence of firearms in most American homes is a factor of deterrence of crime and not an incitement to it. Chicago has tough gun laws but its worst areas are shooting galleries where the arrest rates are so low that it is obvious that the police are either compromised by their association with violent gangs or confining themselves to the perimeters of the most crime-ridden areas and have abandoned the core of those areas to the Darwinian masters of them, (and these desperate conditions are certainly not confined to Chicago). The president was correct in his plan to give greater assistance to criminals returning to civilian life and to prison reform in general, but that will work better with nonviolent people who are generally chronically over-sentenced, and who are much less likely to be repeat offenders than their violence-prone fellow inmates. Possible Fixes This is a problem that disconcerts and frightens scores of millions of Americans. When the administration comes to its collective senses, it can go back to the Trump methods of protecting the southern border while giving their policy a name that connotes reform. Biden can also stop being intimidated by Sanders and (Congresswoman) Ocasio Cortez and be assured of a large number of the reasonable majority with any serious gesture of fiscal restraint, at least up until the midterm elections. It might not be too late to damp down the psychology of inflation. But there is no quick fix to violent crime. It will soon be impossible to hide from the necessity to intervene directly to finance the recruitment and proper training of at least 100,000 more police personnel. The methods for reducing violent urban crime in the United States are now well known and were demonstrated by the mayoral regime of Rudolph Giuliani in New York (1993–2001), and there is no alternative but to return to them and the federal government can incentivize that. The embarrassment to the Democrats in such a course will be as nothing to the embarrassment they will receive at the polls next year if they do not take serious anti-crime measures. Conrad Black has been one of Canada’s most prominent financiers for 40 years, and was one of the leading newspaper publishers in the world. He’s the author of authoritative biographies of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Richard Nixon, and, most recently, “Donald J. Trump: A President Like No Other,” which has been republished in updated form. You can hear more of Conrad’s thoughts on his podcast “Scholars & Sense” alongside his co-hosts Bill Bennett and Victor Davis Hanson at Tyler Durden Wed, 06/30/2021 - 22:20

Pharma’s Statistical Trick to Coax Children Into Receiving Experimental Jabs

from 21st Century Wire: Many scientists and medical experts have warned that vaccinating children against COVID-19 is both unnecessary and risky in the extreme. The video above features comments by Peter Doshi, Ph.D., made during a June 10, 2021, public hearing by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee. […]

Judicial Watch’s Fauci Revelations Shock the World

from Judicial Watch: TRUTH LIVES on at

Half A Million Illegals Crossed Since Harris Named Border "Czar"

Half A Million Illegals Crossed Since Harris Named Border "Czar" Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News, According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection figures, around 500,000 illegal immigrants have crossed the southern border since Kamala Harris was named border ‘czar’. The Washington Free Beacon reported the findings, noting that only three months has passed since Harris took on the responsibility, and that the half a million figure is just those that have been apprehended. The CBP says around 180,000 immigrants are being caught per month. In April agents arrested 178,854 illegal immigrants, the highest monthly figure for 21 years. That figure was then surpassed in May as agents apprehended 180,034 illegals. By the time June’s figures are reported in the coming days, the combined number is expected to be over half a million, more than the entire population of Miami, Florida or Cleveland, Ohio. Harris only bothered to visit the border when President Trump announced he was making a trip. Even then Harris visited El Paso, some 1000 miles away from where the crisis is taking place. Previous to this, Harris lied and claimed she had been to the border, telling NBC’s Lester Holt “This whole thing about the border. We’ve been to the border. We’ve been to the border.” When Holt pushed back and said she had not, Harris snapped “I—and I haven’t been to Europe. And I mean, I don’t—I don’t understand the point that you’re making,” then again laughed maniacally: On Tuesday, Republican Senator Ron Johnson argued that Harris’ trip to El Paso was designed to distract the media and keep them away from the real crisis hit areas of the border. “They took her to a point in the border where she wouldn’t see the crisis and so the press wouldn’t report on the crisis,” Johnson said. The Senator added, “You just simply can’t understand what this administration is doing. We literally are apprehending now about 6,000 people per day. That’s I mean, that’s a large caravan every day being processed, some of them being returned, others are being dispersed. But this crisis is not going away. It’s just under everybody’s radar because the press isn’t covering it.” Watch: Watch the latest video at *  *  * Brand new merch now available! Get it at In the age of mass Silicon Valley censorship It is crucial that we stay in touch. We need you to sign up for our free newsletter here. Support our sponsor – Turbo Force – a supercharged boost of clean energy without the comedown. Also, we urgently need your financial support here. Tyler Durden Wed, 06/30/2021 - 19:40

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Tucker Carlson claims NSA spying on him and his show

from Alex Christoforou: TRUTH LIVES on at

China: 100 Years Of Chaos

China: 100 Years Of Chaos Authored by Bill Blain via, “My little baby is all grown up and saving China.” The big event this week is how China celebrates 100 years of it’s Communist Party. What does it mean for markets, and where is China likely to go from here? Lots going on this week in terms of the data and the end of Q2 – across financial markets investors will be scrabbling to ring fence returns made this year, and figure out where they are going to come from in the remaining quarters. Just how vulnerable, or resilient markets prove to be – well, that is always the question. However, the really big event this week is China celebrating 100 years of the CCP on Thursday. Actually, no one knows the exact date the cadre first assembled in a Shanghai smoky room – as he grew the cult, Mao only chose July 1st as an auspicious date for the commemoration years later. He who wins writes the histories.. More than a few market speculators fear the Chinese may decide to do something silly to mark the day – I suspect lots of very long dull speeches. There are lots of questions around the 100 years of Chinese Capitommunism. How has communism thrived and survived in China when it so spectacularly failed in Russia, Eastern Europe and Cuba? How does the cult of Xi compare to the cult of Mao? How sustainable is the party’s role and control of the state? Can China take on the west economically and win? What about the aspirations of the Chinese people? You will find a multitude of opinions, answers and imaginings in the press this week. In the words of the old Chinese curse, the CCP’s rule has been “interesting”. Chaotic recovery paralleling the Soviet Union is one reading of Chinese history post-Communist victory in 1945. Just like in Russia the initial state collectivisation/industrialisation plans following the civil war caused untold misery and deaths through starvation as it became clear the revolutionary government lacked skills and personnel – who had fled the nation. Famine was followed by the purges of the Cultural Revolution shoring up the Party’s status, before the spikes in the ongoing chaotic sequence dampened. From the 1980s New Economic Polices (initially straight out the Soviet playbook) moved the political sequence onto less volatile growth track incorporating a thousand flowers and capitalism with Chinese characteristics from 1980. Where Russia failed – the state effectively captured by the kleptocracy of Oligarchs – China proved more stable. The CCP succeeded on two levels. Its survived, and despite the unpleasantness, it delivered its side of the bargain with the people – jobs and rising prosperity. To stay on track – its demonstrated ruthlessness, clamping down hard in Tibet, Hong Kong and Xinjiang. In 1989 when the process generated just a little too much freedom and aspirations, leading to near revolution out of Tiananmen Square. Today we see the Chinese economy challenging the US in terms of scale – but not in terms of per capita. We see the Chinese military challenging the US hegemony. But, don’t forget; 55 years ago we though the USSR would win the race to the moon. Much is being written on how successful China will be as the challenger state to the USA – but none of it is set in the stone of history yet! The CCP faces far more friction and strife than we perceive from the west. It is no longer a revolutionary party. It is the party of state. Its longevity will depend on how it adapts to an ever changing political landscape. Its biggest threat may be its size.  Xi is merely the first among his cohort of party princelings, the children of the generation purged during the cultural revolution, to have reached the top. Like any good classical hero, his primary concern is to secure and hold his powerbase; purging rivals, dispensing with term limits on office, and launching his own Xi cult to out-shine previous emperors. The reality is the CCP mirrors the Dynasties that have shaped China’s. Typically they fell because they became ossified and unable to react to counter new threats – there is a danger the same is happening to the party of Xi. But, give Xi credit. He’s strengthened the party and yoked it successfully under his patronage. The party presents a simple choice to Chinese who want to get on in business – join the party and do our bidding in return. That’s also a recipe for corruption. Meanwhile, the core working population (in urban areas) get their jobs and rising standards of living demonstrated nightly on the Televiewer – last night it was China’s Mar’s rover, while all sources of dissent are quietly crushed by the state apparatus. China has one standout advantage over its rivals. Homogeneity. There isn’t much talk about diversity in the Chinese Congress – Han culture doesn’t have much truck with outsiders. It rejoices in how fragmented the distrusting tribes of the West have become. It’s not just race or tribe, Xi will be laughing at the increasing polarisation and fracture between Republicans and Democrats, and the way in which Western commercial and business exceptionalism is being assaulted from within by the ill-considered consequences of Wokery, ESG tomfoolery and a growing fearfulness to speak out or criticise. When it comes down to predicting the future I always go with the simple manta – it will not be a bad as we think, nor will it be as good as we hope. The reality is China is part of the global economy. It is exciting and full of opportunity, but it’s also repressive and breaches much of what we can accept morally – the Uyghurs and Hong Kong being the obvious abuses. I reckon China boils down to a number of scenarios: * China is brought down by the increasing bureaucracy of the Party’s attempts to control everything, or, it succeeds in finding the balance between control and economic freedom, while building the bones of its new surveillance capitalist state innovating tech and finance. * China’s botched human rights, and wolf-warrior diplomacy, closes doors and markets around the globe, forcing the Middle Kingdom’s economy to domesticise, or, the next generation of CCP leaders come early and steer China back onto an open trade, capitalist economic accommodation with the west. * Trade wars and embargos stifle Chinas efforts to invent and innovate, causing its economy to decline medium term, or China sets its own tech ecosystem that competes directly with the west in global markets. These are all scales. They usually find balance. My own guess is China will increasingly struggle to balance the bureaucracy of state vs wealth, its ageing demographics will slow growth, it will be forced to adopt a more measured diplomatic role (scaling back on geopolitical tensions), while a mature Chinese tech sector could prove a massive spur to the development of the next generation of tech advances in the West. On the other hand… lots of observers reckon its classic Thucydides Trap which originally posited the Peloponnesian Wars between Sparta and the rising strength of Athens became inevitable. Carthage and Rome is another example…. Hope not... *  *  * Stay Updated Free Bronze subscription allows unlimited blog access, email notification and weekly round up Tyler Durden Tue, 06/29/2021 - 22:05

Supreme Court Says You Can’t Sue the Corporation that Wrongly Marked You A Terrorist

by Cindy Cohn, Activist Post: In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court late last week barred the courthouse door to thousands of people who were wrongly marked as “potential terrorists” by credit giant TransUnion. The Court’s analysis of their “standing” —whether they were sufficiently injured to file a lawsuit—reflects a naĂŻve view of the increasingly powerful […]

Max Porterfield-The Transition Out Of Fiat Has Already Begun,[CB] Losing Control Of Precious Metals

from X22 Report: TRUTH LIVES on at

The Con Job of the Century?

by Laurie Calhoun, Libertarian Institute: Over the course of the past century, a number of truly awe-inspiring heists have been carried out by con artists, whose modus operandi is to exploit human frailties such as credulity, insecurity and greed. Con is short for confidence, for the con artist must first gain the trust of his targets, after which he persuades […]

Monday, June 28, 2021

As the Reign of the Empire Is Coming to an End, the Geopoliticians Escalate Their Provocations

from The LaRouche Organization: TRUTH LIVES on at


by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan: The United States has become increasingly tyrannical in the past hundred or so years, but the seizure of journalistic websites has to be one of the most obvious.  Do the rulers of the U.S. even try to pretend they want free speech anymore? With obvious censorship of those in America […]

India Sends 50,000 More Troops To Disputed Chinese Border In Major Escalation

India Sends 50,000 More Troops To Disputed Chinese Border In Major Escalation After a past year of continued simmering Himalayan border tensions, particularly after the deadly June 2020 incident wherein Chinese and Indian border troops were in a fierce clash, India has escalated its stance by moving 50,000 additional troops to the Chinese border.  While the nuclear armed nation already has an estimated 200,000 stationed there, Bloomberg is reporting the alarming "historic shift towards an offensive military posture against the world’s second-biggest economy".  Times of India: ongoing troop surge to border. New Delhi is framing this as a necessary response to China's own high altitude build-up, which reportedly stretches back to last summer, when there were skirmishes particularly along the India-Chinese border Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Galwan Valley. China has even of late reportedly militarized high altitude civilian airbases along it border with India. Chinese permanent or semi-permanent bases began to appear in that disputed region, as well as tanks and artillery units late last summer into Fall of 2020. The initial June 15 Galwan Valley incident which left 20 Indian troops dead and an untold number of PLA casualties, had been the worst incident in years. Here's more on the significance of this "Goliath vs. Goliath" moment which too few among Western pundits seem to be taking enough notice off via Rabobank... While previous deployments were aimed at blocking Chinese intrusions, the latest reportedly allows "Indian commanders more options to attack and seize territory in China if necessary in a strategy known as an 'offensive defense.'" This is in response to a Chinese build-up, including the construction of airfields, runway buildings, bomb-proof bunkers, fighter jets, long-range artillery, and tanks. Markets will ignore the very fat tail risks inherent in two Asian Goliaths acting like this because of the liquidity provided by the US central-bank giant - yet the latter has no real sway in this sphere.    So all of this means we could soon witness another deadly border conflict on par with the June 15, 2020 fight which resulted in multiple rounds of attempted military-to-military peace talks. India deploys 50,000 more personnel along the China border, as Beijing boosts troops, weapons and infrastructure. Is it a fresh threat perception or offensive defensive? On #Gravitas, @palkisu brings you report on India's biggest defence shift Tonight at 9 PM IST — WION (@WIONews) June 28, 2021 While those talks did appear to effectively diffuse the immediate potential for the outbreak of a wider border war, they clearly didn't do much in terms of deterring a troop build-up on either side. Below: map showing contested border regions with both Pakistan and China, including site of the last Galwan Valley clash, which gained international attention resulting in a series of threats and counter-threats at the time... On this note, one Indian former army commander pointed out to Bloomberg that "Having so many soldiers on either side is risky when border management protocols have broken down," given that "Both sides are likely to patrol the disputed border aggressively. A small local incident could spiral out of control with unintended consequences." Tyler Durden Mon, 06/28/2021 - 21:50

5 Signs That Show That The Depravity In America Has Reached An Entirely New Level

5 Signs That Show That The Depravity In America Has Reached An Entirely New Level Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog, No matter how bad things get in this country, you can rest assured that we will always find a way to sink even lower.  From the very lowest levels of society all the way to the very highest levels of society, the level of depravity that we are now witnessing all around us is absolutely stunning.  At this point, most Americans do not have any sort of a solid moral foundation, and it shows.  Everyone is just basically doing whatever seems right in their own eyes, and that has resulted in complete and utter chaos.  We are a very, very sick nation, and we are getting even sicker with each passing day.  Let me give you five examples of what I am talking about… #1 25-year-old Joel Davis was supposed to be one of the good guys.  He was nominated for a Nobel prize after founding an organization that sought to end sexual violence against children, but how he has been sentenced to 13 years in prison for doing things that are absolutely unthinkable… The founder of an organization dedicated to ending child sex abuse has been sentenced to 13 years in prison on child rape and child pornography charges. Joel Davis, 25, was convicted of ‘enticing a child to engage in illegal sexual activity,’ possession and distribution of child pornography, US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Audrey Strauss announced on Tuesday. Of course Davis is far from alone.  There are 780,407 registered sex offenders in America today, but that number only includes those that have actually been caught. At this point, our society is absolutely teeming with sexual predators, and they are represented on every level of society. #2 Country music fans are supposed to be much better behaved than most other music fans, but even they are starting to behave like crazed mindless zombies.  During a “Redneck Rave” in Kentucky this past weekend, there were numerous acts of violence and four dozen people were charged with various crimes… Police said that by the end of the five-day bash, dubbed the “Redneck Rave,” one man had been impaled, one woman had been strangled to the point of unconsciousness, and one throat had been slit. In all, Edmonson authorities arrested 14 people, and charged four dozen people from five states. If even country music fans are starting to get this wild, I think that is a really troubling sign for our society as a whole. #3 Chicago has been a very violent city for a long time, but when Yasmin Perez and Gyovanni Arzuaga were dragged out of their vehicles and shot by an angry mob, it shocked the entire world… Disturbing video footage circulating on social-media that apparently captured the 9:15 p.m. assault shows the victims either being pulled or falling out of their car — which was flying a Puerto Rican flag — then blasted at close-range by a single gunman. Arzuaga, 24, was fatally shot in the head, while Perez, the 25-year-old mother of the couple’s two children, was left in critical condition from a gunshot to the neck, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. We have now learned that Perez has died too. The couple had two children together, and now both of their parents are dead. What are those two children supposed to do now? #4 According to text messages obtained by the Daily Mail, it appears that Hunter Biden paid a Russian prostitute $25,000 using a financial account that was linked to his very famous father… Hotel bills show Hunter then moved to a $470-per-night room at The Jeremy in West Hollywood later that month, where he hired another escort while under the protection of two recently retired Secret Service agents. And messages saved on the laptop show Joe Biden might have inadvertently been the person actually paying the bill for the wild week, according to the messages obtained by the Post. In recent days, a number of extremely shocking revelations about Hunter Biden and the Biden family have come out in the British press. But the bigger story is that the corporate media in the United States is almost completely ignoring these revelations.  Telling the truth about the Bidens would hurt the agendas that they are trying to push, and so the Bidens are off limits for now. Our corporate media is deeply, deeply corrupt, and that isn’t going to change. #5 The week, we learned that a CDC “safety group” has acknowledged that COVID shots are causing many teens to develop a “heart inflammatory condition”… A CDC safety group said there’s a “likely association” between a rare heart inflammatory condition in adolescents and young adults mostly after they’ve received their second Covid-19 vaccine shot, citing the most recent data available. There have been more than 1,200 cases of a myocarditis or pericarditis mostly in people 30 and under who received Pfizer’s or Moderna’s Covid vaccine, according to a series of slide presentations published Wednesday for a meeting of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Even though they know that this is happening, they are just going to keep giving injections to more kids. In the end, how many thousands upon thousands of young Americans will develop myocarditis or pericarditis as a result? I could make this list much longer, but I think by now you get my point. From the very top to the very bottom, the very fabric of our society is coming apart at the seams. So many of the “good guys” turn out to be quite evil, and often the wickedness in the halls of power is even worse than it is in our streets. Millions of Americans are working so hard to find a political solution to our problems, but the truth is that there is great depravity all across the political spectrum.  Replacing one set of depraved politicians with another set of depraved politicians is not going to accomplish much of anything. In the end, what we are facing is a heart problem.  The hearts of the American people need to change, but at this point much of the population is eagerly rushing toward more evil as rapidly as they can. Many of us will continue to call for a renewal in America, but time is running out. There is a little bit less sand in the hourglass with each passing day, and it won’t be too long before we reach the moment when it is entirely empty. *  *  * Michael’s new book entitled “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Tyler Durden Mon, 06/28/2021 - 20:50

Ep. 1551 China’s Communists vs. US Liberals, What’s the Difference? – The Dan Bongino Show

from The Dan Bongino Show: TRUTH LIVES on at

Sunday, June 27, 2021


from Ivory Hecker: TRUTH LIVES on at

Survey: 1 In 10 Australians In Victoria ‘Seriously Considered Suicide’ During Lockdown & 12% Used Substance Abuse To Cope

from Humans Are Free: One in ten Australians living in the state of Victoria have said they “seriously considered suicide” during the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, according to a new survey. In its latest issue, the Journal of Psychiatric Research reported that one in ten of over a thousand Victorians surveyed “reported having seriously considered suicide in the prior 30 […]

CDC Scientists at War With Each Other Over Vaccine Safety

from State Of The Nation: “You are a pathetic liar”: CDC senior scientist to CDC’s head of immunization (DOCUMENT) A CDC internal email released through a Freedom of Information Act request reveals just how nasty things got behind closed doors after a CDC senior scientist confessed to covering up a link between vaccines and autism, […]

"What If We Are Wrong": Goldman Reruns Market Forecasts Assuming Its Key Assumptions Are All Wrong

"What If We Are Wrong": Goldman Reruns Market Forecasts Assuming Its Key Assumptions Are All Wrong Halfway through 2021, the S&P 500 closed at an all time high and stands just 1% below Goldman's year-end price target of 4300. So far so good, but as the bank's chief equity strategist David Kostin concedes, his forecasts are conditional on macro assumptions: "Inflation will diminish, interest rates will rise, and a portion of President Biden’s fiscal plan will pass into law." And, as Kostin writes in his Weekly Kickstart note, "this future is not guaranteed" and as a result, Kostin's recent client discussions have focused around the risks to the bank's baseline macro forecast. To ease client nerves, Kostin, considers three “what if” scenarios that each focus on a key macro assumption and explore the implications of alternative outcomes for US equity returns, earnings, and valuations: * “What if inflation is not transitory,” * “What if interest rates fall or rise more than we expect,” and * “What if tax reform does not materialize?" So starting at the top, here are Kostin's thoughts first on... 1. "What if inflation does not prove transitory?” Goldman economists’ - just like the Fed - forecast assumes that the recent surge in inflation will prove transitory and core CPI will decline to 2.3% next year from the most recent print of 3.8% (Bank of America here is a major outlier expecting far higher inflation for the next 2-4 years). To justify its view, Goldman's chief equity strategist says that economists' “trimmed core PCE” shows that outliers had an outsized effect on the recent spike in inflation, and they attribute most of the above-consensus inflation readings to temporary re-opening factors that should subside within the next 3-6 months (which is bizarre in a world where container shipping rates continue to rise at an exponential pace confirming supply chains remain hopelessly broken). In addition, they believe labor supply will rebound significantly by year-end as coronavirus concerns continue to diminish and temporary supplemental unemployment benefits expire. This should ease wage pressures and reduce investor concerns about persistently high inflation in coming years. Ok, but what if none of this leads to lower prices? As Kostin admits, "higher inflation than we expect would boost sales but weigh on corporate profit margins.Inflation has been positively correlated with sales but negatively correlated with margins." Rising input costs, including wages, could weigh on margins if companies fail to raise prices sufficiently to offset inflation. As discussed previously, many firms had begun taking price action but also expect inflation to be transitory. Based on Goldman's top-down model, each percentage point of core CPI inflation above our forecast would lift S&P 500 sales growth by about 1 percentage point, reduce net profit margins by about 10 bp, and, for moderate changes in inflation, on net leave S&P 500 EPS unchanged relative to our baseline. Persistently high inflation would also "represent a substantial headwind to valuation multiples", Kostin admits, adding that "elevated inflation would likely lead to more Fed tightening than we now expect, raising rates and reducing equity valuations." Currently Goldman economists believe the Fed will announce in December that tapering will begin in early 2022 and Fed funds hikes will start in 2H 2023. As a result, Kostin expects the S&P 500 P/E will be roughly flat during the next year, resulting in equity prices appreciating roughly in line with EPS growth. That said, it is certainly true that historically US equities have performed best in low inflation environments. Since 1960, the median annualized real S&P 500 return during periods of low inflation has been 15% vs. 9% in periods of high inflation. In periods of high inflation, stocks have performed better alongside falling inflation (15%) than alongside rising inflation (2%) (we discussed this in "Goldman's Clients Are Asking How Various Inflation Regimes Affect Stocks: Here Is The Answer") Elevated inflation would boost the relative performance of stocks with high pricing power. The performance of high (GSXUSHGM) vs. low (GSXULVGM) pricing power stocks has been volatile in recent weeks alongside shifting investor views on inflation risk. At the sector level, high inflation has historically corresponded with the outperformance of the Health Care, Energy, Real Estate, and Consumer Staples sectors. 2.“What if interest rates fall or rise more than we anticipate?” Goldman's baseline 2021 S&P 500 price target of 4300 assumes that the 10-year Treasury yield will rise to 1.9% by end-2021 and that the P/E multiple remains stable around 22x. The bank's rates strategists expect the increase in nominal Treasury yields will be led primarily by real rates and driven in part by higher global bond yields. Kostin expects the equity risk premium (ERP) will decline in the second half of this year, offsetting some of the impact of higher rates on equity valuations and leading to a roughly flat P/E multiple through year-end. In other words, if - all else equal - interest rates remain roughly flat through the end of this year, Goldman's S&P 500 dividend discount model (DDM) would suggest a fair value of 4700, or 9% above the bank's current baseline price target of 4300. If rates fail to rise because of weakening growth, then lower earnings or a higher ERP would suggest a lower S&P 500 price despite lower interest rates. However, holding baseline ERP constant, a 10-year US Treasury yield of 1.6% (the 3-month average) would lift Goldman's DDM-implied fair value estimate to around 4700. Using the bank's 2022 EPS estimate of $202, this would imply an NTM P/E of 23x. Under a different scenario, if interest rates were to overshoot Goldman's forecast and end the year at 2.5%, but nothing else were to change, the bank's S&P 500 DDM would imply a fair value of just 3550, or 17% below today’s price. Goldman economists expect the Fed will begin tapering its current monthly debt purchases in early 2022. This decrease in demand will likely coincide with more deficit spending and potentially greater bond issuance following the passage of President Biden’s infrastructure bill. Holding baseline ERP and EPS growth forecasts constant, Kostin says that the bank's DDM would imply a P/E multiple contraction to 18x. 3.“What if tax reform does not pass?” Kostin's baseline earnings forecast assume that a portion of Biden’s full tax proposal will become law by year-end and take effect in 2022, reducing S&P 500 EPS by 5% relative to the forecast under current tax law. Goldman's political economist expects that the federal statutory corporate tax rate will be raised to 25% from 21%, rather than the 28% rate proposed by Biden. He also believes that roughly half of the proposed foreign income tax hike will become law and that the capital gains tax rate for upper income individuals will be raised to 28%. Based on these assumptions, Kostin expects the S&P 500 will generate EPS of $202 in 2022 (+5% growth vs. 2021) and half the 10% EPS growth anticipated under current tax policy which sees EPS of $212 in 2022. Using Goldman's baseline year-end 2021 P/E forecast of 21.3x, a “no tax reform” scenario would lift the bank's 2022 S&P 500 EPS estimate and our year-end 2021 S&P 500 fair value estimate by 5%, supporting a price target of 4500. As Kostin notes, a failure to lift corporate and capital gains tax rates would generally favor Growth stocks, an assumption few find questionable. Digging deeper, although the ultimate implications of corporate tax reform are hard to predict without knowing which parts of the proposal will be enacted and in what size, it is likely that foreign-facing sectors with low effective tax rates including Communication Services, Info Tech, and Health Care appear most vulnerable. With regards to capital gains taxes, Growth stocks such as those in the Tech sector have generated the strongest returns in recent years, suggesting the largest potential risk from tax-related investor selling ahead of a potential tax hike later this year. Tyler Durden Sun, 06/27/2021 - 20:50

Iran Refuses To Grant IAEA Access To Nuclear Facilities: "Agreement Has Expired"

Iran Refuses To Grant IAEA Access To Nuclear Facilities: "Agreement Has Expired" At a moment the clock is said to be winding down toward a nuclear deal in Vienna, with both sides expressing increased frustration that things are dragging on too long, Tehran is playing hardball with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).  Once again it's over access to the country's nuclear sites according to prior arrangements: "The speaker of Iran's parliament said on Sunday Tehran will never hand over images from inside of some Iranian nuclear sites to the U.N. nuclear watchdog as a monitoring agreement with the agency had expired, Iranian state media reported," Reuters writes Sunday. Via Associated Press In February Iran had struck a deal for a three month extension which allowed IAEA inspectors access to remote cameras and images from sensitive facilities. This came after months of Tehran officials threatening to boot IAEA monitoring from the country altogether. "The agreement has expired... any of the information recorded will never be given to the International Atomic Energy Agency and the data and images will remain in the possession of Iran," said Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf. Over the weekend, just as the extension is set to expire, the IAEA demanded an "immediate response" over the "possible continued collection, recording and retention of data." But Iran's position is that it's fulfilled its obligations and therefore is not required to comply with such a request. Iranian ambassador to the IAEA, Kazem Gharibabadi, made clear to the UN watchdog that the Islamic Republic is under no such obligation. The Fars News Agency in #Iran launched a scathing attack Sunday on Rafael Grossi, director-general of the @IAEA, for having the “wrong impression about his role." — Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) June 27, 2021 This is yet the latest - but perhaps most significant - obstacle which could derail talks in Vienna. Currently there's pressure on both sides to finalize a deal before Iran's newly elected president, Ebrahim Raisi - a hardline protĂ©gĂ© of the Supreme Leader - takes office in early August. Tyler Durden Sun, 06/27/2021 - 19:30

Saturday, June 26, 2021

More Police Officers Have Retired Or Quit In The Past Year Than Ever Before, New Survey Shows

More Police Officers Have Retired Or Quit In The Past Year Than Ever Before, New Survey Shows Anybody who wasn't living under a rock last summer surely remembers the wave of anti-police sentiment that swept across the US. The end result, as we have reported before, is that thousands of cops from departments across the country have been quitting in droves. Now, a survey of nearly 200 police departments indicates that retirements rose 45% and resignations rose by 18% in the year between April 2020 and April 2021. The survey data were disclosed to the NYT, which published them as the centerpiece of a lengthy story about the trials and tribulations facing police departments across the US. During the period in question, the NYPD saw 2,600 officers retire, compared with 1,509 the year before. Resignations in Seattle increased to 123 from 34, and retirements have risen to 96 from 43. Minneapolis, the former department of Officer Derek Chauvin, had 912 uniformed officers in May 2019. They're now down to just 699 sworn officers, and the department is struggling to find suitable recruits for its next class at the police academy. All of this is happening amid a backdrop of worsening violent crime in America's cities. According to the NYT, one of the hardest-hit urban departments is the Asheville Police Department, a hip and deep-blue speck in mostly-red western North Carolina. Asheville is a growing community of 90K ticked into the Blue Ridge Mountains. Some have described it as the Portland of the South. Asheville became the locus of anti-police protests in the area last year. In June, the city council agreed to earmark $2.1MM to start paying reparations to the black community (about 10K of the city's 90K residents). Asheville Police Chief David Zack, 58, told the NYT that the surge in contempt from the community pushed many officers to quit. "They said that we have become the bad guys, and we did not get into this to become the bad guys." The sense that the city "did not back its police" was inescapable. Another issue is low pay: with a starting salary around $37K, most officers can't even afford a house in Asheville, where prices have sharply increased in recent years as more outsiders have moved to the community. One sergeant who quit after a decade on the force, who did not want his name published because of the attacks online, said last summer had chipped away at his professional pride and personal health. He could not sleep and drank too much. In September, somebody dropped a coffin laden with dirt and manure at the front door of Police Headquarters. “The message was taking a different turn,” Chief Zack said. “The message was not about police reform, but, ‘We endorse violence against police.’" Of the more than 80 officers who left, about half found different professions and the other half different departments, Chief Zack said. New careers included construction, real estate and pharmaceutical sales. Alec N. Dohmann, 30, said he ended up leaving Asheville for another position in Greenville, SC. He was able to afford a house, and he described the relationship with the community as "night and day". "I can't tell you how many times I'll be in uniform and someone comes up and shakes my hand, thanking me for what I do." Meanwhile, back in Asheville, the department is worried that even more veteran officers might be heading for the exits. “A lot of our experience is walking out the door,” Chief Zack said. One of the worst betrayals offices faced, however, came from the public officials in the city who appeared to use the officers as a political punching bag. Mayor Esther Manheimer dropped into one daily police briefing, lauding the department’s efforts. The very next day, she publicly accused the police of mishandling events, several officers said. Ms. Manheimer, mayor since 2013, said in an interview that the city was facing a "clash of cultures," and that she had "obviously not perfected" her efforts to "thread the needle of supporting law enforcement employees, but at the same time demanding and calling for needed change." For Asheville, the personnel situation is getting worse. Of 7 new officers who started training in December, six have already quit. The city, meanwhile, is suffering from an increase in everything from murder to aggravated assault. A squad that investigate sexual assault and domestic violence cases have been winnowed down to a single officers. Tyler Durden Sat, 06/26/2021 - 22:15

Ivermectin: Can a Drug Be "Right-Wing"?

Ivermectin: Can a Drug Be "Right-Wing"? Authored by Matt Taibbi via TK News On December 31st of last year, an 80 year-old Buffalo-area woman named Judith Smentkiewicz fell ill with Covid-19. She was rushed by ambulance to Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital in Williamsville, New York, where she was put on a ventilator. Her son Michael and his wife flew up from Georgia, and were given grim news. Judith, doctors said, had a 20% chance at survival, and even if she made it, she’d be on a ventilator for a month. As December passed into the New Year, Judith’s health declined. Her family members, increasingly desperate, had been doing what people in the Internet age do, Googling in search of potential treatments. They saw stories about the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin, learning among other things that a pulmonologist named Pierre Kory had just testified before the Senate that the drug had a “miraculous” impact on Covid-19 patients. The family pressured doctors at the hospital to give Judith the drug. The hospital initially complied, administering one dose on January 2nd. According to her family’s court testimony, a dramatic change in her condition ensued. “In less than 48 hours, my mother was taken off the ventilator, transferred out of the Intensive Care Unit, sitting up on her own and communicating,” the patient’s daughter Michelle Kulbacki told a court. After the reported change in Judith’s condition, the hospital backtracked and refused to administer more. Frustrated, the family turned on January 7th to a local lawyer named Ralph Lorigo. A commercial litigator and head of what he calls a “typical suburban practice,” with seven lawyers engaged in everything from matrimonial to estate work, Lorigo assigned one of his attorneys to review materials given to them by the family, which included Kory’s Senate testimony. The associate showed Lorigo himself the the material next morning. “I was so convinced by what Dr. Kory was saying,” Lorigo says. “I saw the passion and the belief.” Lorigo immediately sued the hospital, filing to State Supreme Court to force the facility to treat according to the family’s wishes. Judge Henry J. Nowak sided with the Smentkiewiczes, signing an order that Lorigo and one of his attorneys served themselves, and after a series of quasi-absurd dramas that included the hospital refusing to let the Smentkiewicz family physician phone in the prescription — “the doctor actually had to drive to the hospital,” Lorigo says — Judith went back on ivermectin. “She was out of that hospital in six days,” Lorigo says. After a month of rehab, his octogenarian client went back to her life, which involved working five days a week (she still cleans houses). Her story, complete with photo, was told in the Buffalo News, causing Lorigo’s phone to begin ringing off the hook. Doppleganger cases soon began dotting the map all over the country. One of the first was in nearby Rochester, New York, where the family of Glenna Dickinson went through an almost exactly similar narrative to the Smentkiewiczes: they read about ivermectin, got a family doctor to prescribe it, saw improvement, only to later have the hospital refuse treatment. Again Lorigo intervened, again a judge ordered the hospital to treat, again the patient recovered and was discharged. Hospitals fought hard, hiring expensive law firms, at times going to extraordinary lengths to refuse treatment even with dying patients who’d exhausted all other options. At Edward-Elmhurst hospital in Chicago, a 68 year-old named Nurije Fype was admitted, put on a ventilator, and again, as all other treatments failed, her family got a judge to order the use of ivermectin. Lorigo claims the hospital initially refused to obey the court order, which led to the filing of a contempt motion, which in turn led to a pair of counter-motions and another confrontation before another befuddled Judge named James Orel. “Why wouldn't this be tried if she's not improving?” the Chicago Tribune quoted Orel as saying. “Why does the hospital object to providing this medication?” “He basically said, ‘What do you have left?’” Lorigo recounts. “No one would administer the ivermectin. It’s as safe as aspirin, for Christ’s sake. It’s been given out 3.7 billion times. I couldn’t understand it.” Stories like these aren’t proof the drug works. They don’t even really rise to the level of evidence. People recover from diseases all the time, and it doesn’t mean any particular treatment was responsible. Short of the gold standard of randomized controlled trials, there’s no proof. However, anecdotes have a power all their own, and in the Internet age, ones like these spread quickly. Lorigo estimates he now gets “10, 15, 20” calls and emails a day. At this level, at the bedside of a single Covid-19 patient who’s already received the full official treatment protocol and is failing anyway, the decision to administer a drug like ivermectin, or fluvoxamine, or hydroxychloroquine, or any of a dozen other experimental treatments, seems like a no-brainer. Nothing else has worked, the patient is dying, why not? Telescope out a little further, however, and the ivermectin debate becomes more complicated, reaching into a series of thorny controversies, some ridiculous, some quite serious. The ridiculous side involves the front end of Lorigo’s story, the same story detailed on this site last week: the censorship of ivermectin news that, no matter what one thinks about the evidence for or against, is clearly in the public interest. Anyone running a basic internet search on the topic will get a jumble of confusing results. YouTube’s policies are beyond uneven. It’s been aggressive in taking down videos containing interviews with people like Kory and doling out strikes to independent media figures like Bret Weinstein, but an interview with Lorigo on TrialSite News containing basically all of the same information is still up, as are clips from a just-taped episode of the Joe Rogan Experience that feature both Weinstein and Kory. Moreover, all sorts of statements at least as provocative as Kory’s “miraculous” formulation in the Senate still litter the Internet, many in reputable research journals. Take, for instance, this passage from the March issue of the Japanese Journal of Antibiotics: When the effectiveness of ivermectin for the COVID-19 pandemic is confirmed with the cooperation of researchers around the world and its clinical use is achieved on a global scale, it could prove to be of great benefit to humanity. It may even turn out to be comparable to the benefits achieved from the discovery of penicillin… There clearly is not evidence that ivermectin is the next penicillin, at least as far as its effects on Covid-19. As is noted in nearly every mainstream story about the subject, the WHO has advised against its use pending further study, there have been randomized studies showing it to be ineffective in speeding recovery, and the drug’s original manufacturer, Merck, has said there’s no “meaningful evidence” of efficacy for Covid-19 patients. However, it’s also patently untrue, as is frequently asserted, that there’s no evidence that the drug might be effective. This past week, for instance, Oxford University announced it was launching a large-scale clinical trial. The study has already recruited more than 5,000 volunteers, and its announcement says what little is known to be true: that “small pilot studies show that early administration with ivermectin can reduce viral load and the duration of symptoms in some patients with mild COVID-19,” that it’s “a well-known medicine with a good safety profile,” and “because of the early promising results in some studies, it is already being widely used to treat COVID-19 in several countries.” The Oxford text also says “there is little evidence from large-scale randomized controlled trials to demonstrate that it can speed up recovery from the illness or reduce hospital admission.” But to a person who might have a family member suffering from the disease, just the information about “early promising results” would probably be enough to inspire demands for a prescription, which might be the problem, of course. Unless someone was looking for that information, they likely wouldn’t find it, as mainstream news even of the Oxford study has been effectively limited to a pair of Bloomberg and Forbes stories. Ivermectin has suffered the same fate as thousands of other news topics since Donald Trump first announced his run for the presidency nearly six years ago, cleaved in two to inhabit separate factual universes for left and right audiences. Repurposed drugs generally have had a hard time being taken seriously since Trump announced he was on hydroxychloroquine last year, and ivermectin clearly also suffers from its association with Republican Senators like Ron Johnson. Still, the drug’s publicity issues go beyond the taint of “conservative” news. The drug has become a test case for a controversy that’s long been building in health care, about how much input patients should have in their own treatment. Well before Covid-19, the medical profession was thrust into a revolution in patient information, inspired by a combination of Google and new patients’ rights laws. Should people on their deathbeds be allowed to try anything to save themselves? That seems like an easy question to answer. Should the entire world be allowed to practice self-care on a grand scale? That’s a different issue. Some would say absolutely not, while others would say the corruption of pharmaceutical companies and the medical system unfortunately make it a necessity. The world is increasingly divided along this trust/untrust axis. This is an excerpt from today’s subscriber-only post. To read the entire article and get full access to the archives, you can subscribe for $5 a month or $50 a year. Tyler Durden Sat, 06/26/2021 - 21:45

US Threatens Sanctions On Gulf Allies If They Normalize Relations With Assad

US Threatens Sanctions On Gulf Allies If They Normalize Relations With Assad For the past couple months there's been persisting reports and rumors that Saudi Arabia is preparing to restore diplomatic ties and normalized relations with the Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad, coming off a decade of war in which the Saudis spearheaded efforts alongside the US and other allies to topple him. As we detailed in early May the first major step toward detente came when Saudi Arabia's powerful intelligence chief, Gen Khalid Humaidan, traveled to Damascus to meet with his Syrian counterpart. The two sides broke off relations since near the start of the war in 2011, especially as it became clear the Saudis were a key part of the Western allied push for regime change, through covert support to anti-Assad insurgents and jihadists which included regular weapons shipments. Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, left, and Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus on Oct. 7, 2009, via AP. Starting in 2018, other Arab capitals had begun seeking to mend relations with Assad, especially after the United Arab Emirates reopened its long shuttered embassy in the Syrian capital at the end of that year. There's even been talk of late of Assad being invited back into the Arab League. Essentially America's Gulf allies are fast coming to the conclusion that Assad is here to stay, and that pragmatism means opening up relations; however, Washington doesn't see it that way - as its prior long-running covert war has turned to an economic war of economic strangulation and choking off national resources by occupying the oil and gas rich northeast. On Friday, a top US official threatened regional allies with sanctions should they get too friendly with Assad. The Middle East Eye details the warning as follows: On a call to reporters on Friday, Joey Hood, acting assistant secretary of state for Near East affairs, said Washington's opposition to the Syrian government would not change unless there was a "major change in behavior" in Damascus. "With regard to others, who may be considering making moves, we are asking them to consider very carefully the atrocities committed by the regime on the Syrian people over the last decade, as well as the regime's continuing efforts to deny much of the country access to humanitarian aid and security," Hood said. Hood brought up America's Caesar Act sanctions, which are geared toward thwarting reconstruction of the country under Assad. Syria: Why Saudi Arabia wants Assad on its side again | Kamal Alam — Middle East Eye (@MiddleEastEye) May 7, 2021 "And I would also, of course, add that we also have the Caesar Act sanctions," the top State Dept. official said. "This is a law that has wide bipartisan support in the Congress, and the administration is going to follow the law on that. And so governments and businesses need to be careful that their proposed or envisioned transactions don’t expose them to potential sanctions from the United States under that act," he added. Egypt is also a major US Mideast which has signaled its intent to improve relations with Damascus. The Sisi government is staunchly anti-Muslim Brotherhood, and wants to see Turkish ambitions in the region thwarted. It's likely that any major rapprochement between the region's most influential countries and Assad would come via the Arab League, potentially making it harder for Washington to make good on its threat of sanctions.  Tyler Durden Sat, 06/26/2021 - 21:15

STUDY: Ivermectin linked to “large reductions” in covid deaths

by Dean Garrison, DC Clothesline: A new paper published in the American Journal of Therapeutics suggests that use of the antiparasitic drug ivermectin could lead to “large reductions” in deaths among people who test “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Administering more ivermectin, the research team says, could have a “significant impact” in stymying the Chinese Virus, which is […]

Critical Race Theory Segregation Exposed, Special Fauci-Wuhan Update, Biden Border Crisis

from Judicial Watch: TRUTH LIVES on at

Friday, June 25, 2021

The Spike Protein Is the Killer – Beware of mRNA “Vaccines”

by Peter Koenig, Global Research: Beware of the Spike Protein! Beware of mRNA injections! To do so, you have to absolutely avoid taking or being coerced into accepting the mRNA “non-vaccine” – experimental gene therapy. Because that’s what it is. The experiment is you. Already in SARS-1 of 2002 / 2003, the original, affecting principally […]

Why Gold?

by Adrian Day, International Man: At a time when many investors are calling gold “a relic,” and many younger ones, in particular, are buying Bitcoin instead, it is worth going back to fundamentals and looking at gold’s role as money over thousands of years. I am not here to attack Bitcoin. Rather, I am here […]

The Tragedy of Utopian Thinking

from Paul Joseph Watson: TRUTH LIVES on at

Surgeon Fired From College Of Medicine For Voicing Concerns About COVID Shots For Kids

Surgeon Fired From College Of Medicine For Voicing Concerns About COVID Shots For Kids Via The Justice Center For Constitutional Freedom, The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms represents Dr. Francis Christian, Clinical Professor of General Surgery at the University of Saskatchewan and a practising surgeon in Saskatoon. Dr. Christian was called into a meeting today, suspended from all teaching responsibilities effective immediately, and fired from his position with the University of Saskatchewan as of September 2021. There is a recording of Dr. Christian’s meeting today between Dr. Christian and Dr. Preston Smith, the Dean of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan, College of Medicine, Dr. Susan Shaw, the Chief Medical Officer of the Saskatchewan Health Authority, and Dr. Brian Ulmer, Head of the Department of Surgery at the Saskatchewan College of Medicine. In addition, the Justice Centre will represent Dr. Christian in his defence of a complaint that was made against him and an investigation by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan. The complaint objects to Dr. Christian having advocated for the informed consent of Covid vaccines for children. Dr. Christian has been a surgeon for more than 20 years and began working in Saskatoon in 2007. He was appointed Director of the Surgical Humanities Program and Director of Quality and Patient Safety in 2018 and co-founded the Surgical Humanities Program. Dr. Christian is also the Editor of the Journal of The Surgical Humanities. On June 17, Dr. Christian released a statement to over 200 doctors which contained his concerns regarding giving the Covid shots to children. In it he noted that he is pro-vaccine, and that he did not represent any group, the Saskatchewan Health Authority, or the University of Saskatchewan. “I speak to you directly as a physician, a surgeon, and a fellow human being.” Dr. Christian noted that the principle of informed consent was sacrosanct and noted that a patient should always be “fully aware of the risks of the medical intervention, the benefits of the intervention, and if any alternatives exist to the intervention.” “This should apply particularly to a new vaccine that has never before been tried in humans… before the vaccine is rolled out to children, both children and parents must know the risks of m-RNA vaccines,” he wrote. Dr. Christian expressed concern that he had not come across “a single vaccinated child or parent who has been adequately informed” about Covid vaccines for children. Among his points, he stated that: * The m-RNA vaccine, is a new, experimental vaccine never used by humans before. * The m-RNA vaccines have not been fully authorized by Health Canada or the US CDC, and are in fact under “interim authorization” in Canada and “emergency use authorization” in the US. He noted that “full vaccine approval takes several years and multiple safety considerations – this has not happened.” * That in order to qualify for “emergency use authorization” there must be an emergency. While he said there is a strong case for vaccinating the elderly, the vulnerable and health care workers, he said, “Covid does not pose a threat to our kids. The risk of them dying of Covid is less than 0.003% – this is even less than the risk of them dying of the flu. There is no emergency in children.” * Children do not readily transmit the Covid virus to adults. * M-RNA vaccines have been “associated with several thousand deaths” in the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System in the US. “These appear to be unusual, compared to the total number of vaccines administered.” He called it a “strong signal that should not be ignored.” * He noted that vaccines have already caused “serious medical problems for kids” worldwide, including “a real and significantly increased risk” of myocarditis, inflammation of the heart. Dr. Christian notes the German national vaccine agency and the UK vaccine agency are not recommending the vaccine for healthy children and teenagers. The Saskatchewan Health Authority/College of Medicine wrote a letter to Dr. Christian on June 21, 2021, alleging that they had “received information that you are engaging in activities designed to discourage and prevent children and adolescents from receiving Covid-19 vaccination contrary to the recommendations and pandemic-response efforts of Saskatchewan and Canadian public health authorities.” Dr. Christian’s concerns regarding underage Covid vaccinations are not isolated to him.  The US Centre for Disease Control had an “emergency meeting” today to discuss the growing cases of myocarditis (heart inflammation) in younger males after receiving the Covid-19 vaccines. The CDC released new data today that the risk of myocarditis after the Pfizer vaccine is at least 10 times the expected rate in 12 – 17 year old males and females. The German government has issued public guidance against vaccinating those under the age of 18. The World Health Organization posted an update to its website on Monday, June 21, which contained the statement in respect of advice for Covid-19 vaccination that “Children should not be vaccinated for the moment.” Within 24 hours, this guidance was withdrawn and new guidance was posted which stated that “Covid vaccines are safe for those over 18 years of age.” Dr. Christian says there is a large, growing “network of ethical, moral physicians and scientists” who are urging caution in recommending vaccines for all children without informed consent. He said, physicians must “always put their patients and humanity first.” Dr. Byram Bridle, a prominent immunologist at the University of Guelph with a sub-speciality in vaccinology, recently participated in a Press Conference on Parliament Hill on CPAC organized by MP Derek Sloan, where he discussed the censorship of scientists and physicians. Dr. Bridle expressed his safety concerns with vaccinating children with experimental MRNA vaccines. Justice Centre Litigation Director Jay Cameron also has concern over the growing censorship of medical professionals when it comes to questioning the government narrative on Covid. “We are seeing a clear pattern of highly competent and skilled medical doctors in very esteemed positions being taken down and censored or even fired, for practicing proper science and medicine,” says Mr. Cameron. The Justice Centre represented Dr. Chris Milburn in Nova Scotia, who faced professional disciplinary proceedings last year after a group of activists took exception to an opinion column he wrote in a local paper. The Justice Centre provided submissions to the College on Dr. Milburn’s behalf, defending the right of physicians to express their opinions on matters of policy in the public square and arguing that everyone is entitled to freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, as guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms – including doctors. The Justice Centre noted that attempting to have a doctor professionally disciplined for his opinions and commentary on matters of public interest amounts to bullying and intimidation for speaking out against the government. Last week, Dr. Milburn also faced punishment for speaking out with his concerns about public health policies, as he was removed from his position as the Head of Emergency for the eastern zone with the Nova Scotia Health Authority. In an unusual twist, a petition has been started to have Dr. Milburn replace Dr. Strang as the province’s Chief Medical Officer. “Censoring and punishing scientists and doctors for freely voicing their concerns is arrogant, oppressive and profoundly unscientific”, states Mr. Cameron. “Both the western world and the idea of scientific inquiry itself is built to a large extent on the principles of freedom of thought and speech. Medicine and patient safety can only regress when dogma and an elitist orthodoxy, such as that imposed by the Saskatchewan College of Medicine, punishes doctors for voicing concerns,” Mr. Cameron concludes. Tyler Durden Fri, 06/25/2021 - 20:20

Ep. 1550 Why I Refuse To Trust The FBI – The Dan Bongino Show

from The Dan Bongino Show: TRUTH LIVES on at

Thursday, June 24, 2021

How Many Cups Of Coffee Do Americans Drink Each Day?

How Many Cups Of Coffee Do Americans Drink Each Day? According to the Statista Global Consumer Survey, drinking two to three cups each day is the most common coffee consumption pattern among Americans. 44 percent of U.S. adults said that they drank this many 7 oz. cups per day on average. The second most common answer – which will make many coffee lovers shake their heads in disbelief – was one cup or no coffee at all. 26 percent said they fell into that category. In fact, as Katharina Buchholz notes in the latest installment of the Statista survey, only 65 percent of Americans listed coffee as a beverage they regularly consumed. You will find more infographics at Statista The most popular type of coffee in the U.S. is good old drip coffee, with 63 percent saying they consumed it. 22 percent of Americans said they drank iced coffee, followed by instant coffee (18 percent) in third place. 50 percent of American adults agreed with the statement “coffee is pure pleasure to me”. Tyler Durden Thu, 06/24/2021 - 21:45

One Nation Under Greed: The Profit Incentives Driving the American Police State

by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute: “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” ― FrĂ©dĂ©ric Bastiat, French economist If there is an absolute maxim by […]

$4000 Gold & “Truly Stupid” Returns | Rick Rule & George Salamis

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Von Greyerz: The Icarus Wax Of The Everything Bubble Is Melting

Von Greyerz: The Icarus Wax Of The Everything Bubble Is Melting Authored by Egon von Greyerz via, When will the wax melt that holds up the global economy? Hubris is driving humans and markets ever higher and closer to the sun. The higher everything goes, the greater the risk that the wax melts and the wings that are supporting the global economy just fall off and everything crashes to the ground. Investing successfully is primarily about managing risk rather than maximising profits. As we reach the end of the biggest bull market in history, investors feel so secure that risk has become an irrelevance. HOCUS POCUS SYSTEM – THE SAVIOUR OF STOCKS The Hocus Pocus system of finance has offered total downside protection for investors for 1/2 a century. The last big crash that affected a whole generation was the 1929 crash. After a 90% fall in the Dow, it took 1/4 of a century to recover to the 1929 high. But since Nixon caused the Hocus Pocus system to thrive from 1971, all major crashes have quickly retraced to new highs. The Dow has fallen 40-60% in 1973, 1987, 2000, 2008 and 2020. But instead of taking 25 years to recover like after the 1929 crash, no retracement since 1971 has taken more than 2 years. This is the beauty of Hocus Pocus finance. Through printing and credit expansion you create unlimited access to liquidity for the big investors. Virtually no funds reach ordinary people who need it but instead the Hocus Focus system rewards the Croesus investors which means the haves get more and the have nots become relatively much poorer. As the graphs below show, the bottom 50% hold 0.6% of corporate equities and Mutual Funds whilst the top 1% hold over 52%. Income inequality is also expanding with the top 10% of earners getting just below 50% of income. As the graph shows, Europe is more egalitarian. REVOLUTION, WIPEOUT OR BOTH The inequality of wealth and income can correct itself in two distinct ways. Either a revolution like in France in the late 1700s or Russia in the early 1900s. This would lead to a general fall in economic activity and redistribution of wealth in a new Marxist system. Asset markets would crash leading to everyone being worse off until Marxism is rejected by the people. In Russia that process took around 70 years last time. The other way is a collapse of asset markets leading to a massive wipeout of the wealth of the rich. The poor would also be worse off due to the general deterioration in the economy. THE WAX OF THE EVERYTHING BUBBLE IS MELTING So coming back to when the wax holding the world economy precariously together actually melts, let’s return to the Greek mythology. Daedalus and his son Icarus were imprisoned by King Minos in the Labyrinth that Daedalus had built. The only way out was to fly and Daedalus came up with the idea to make bird wings that were attached to their bodies with wax. They managed to flee from the labyrinth using their wings. Icarus had been warned by his father not to fly too close to the sun as the wax would melt and he would crash. But carelessness and hubris couldn’t stop Icarus from reaching ever higher until the wax melted and he crashed to his death. As the Everything Bubble is flying closer to the sun, the risk of the wax melting is growing exponentially. The wax holding it all together needs a number of ingredients, to stick such as: * Confidence – even if false, * Hubris * Propaganda * Fake promises, * Zero or negative interest rates * Fake news * Manipulation * Corrupt financial system * Debasement of money and purchasing power * Fiscal deficits * Ever increasing debt & credit *  Unlimited money printing Take away one or two of these ingredients and the wax will start melting and the whole global economy crash to the ground. But who really cares about the wax that holds the world economy together. I and a few others have written about the problems we see and the risks we perceive. Also we discuss the consequences that will affect most people. But whilst some of us believe that our message is of vital importance to everyone, we are sadly only reaching a minuscule minority of people.  As the  income and wealth graphs show above, even in the Western world, most people have no assets to protect and an income that barely covers their daily outgoings. HOCUS POCUS SYSTEM CANNOT STOP MELTING OF WAX As I often stress normal people without major savings can still buy gold and silver for wealth preservation. With 1 gram of gold costing $60 and an ounce of silver $30 virtually everyone can put some savings into precious metals. If the Venezuelans had done that 20 years ago with very small money, that would have saved them from total destitution. I sometimes hear from people who are poor investors and even worse traders. These are people who are victims and never take responsibility for their own actions. Even worse, they buy at the top and sell at the bottom. And then they are experts in the most exact of all sciences, namely HINDSIGHT! “I should have bought Bitcoin at $10 or $100 instead of buying gold in 2011”. Sadly these are people who will never make money consistently on anything since they can’t take responsibility for their own actions. Also, they don’t comprehend that the primary purpose of holding gold or silver is to protect your wealth against the wax melting i.e. the massive risks of the everything bubble crashing to the ground Precious metals principal role is wealth preservation or insurance against a rotten financial system and a constant debasement of currencies until they reach ZERO as the table below shows. GOLD AND SILVER UPTREND IN TACT Technically, the precious metals are going through a minor correction which probably will not last much longer. The next move will be to $1,950 for gold on the way to $3,000 initially. Silver is likely to soon reach $30 on the way to $50 and beyond. These prices are probable medium term targets on the way to much higher levels as the currency system collapses. Holding gold and silver is imperative to protect against the next currency debasement which will be ruinous. Long term, gold looks extremely strong technically as the chart in this article shows. But I must stress again that investors should not focus on price but on long term insurance and wealth protection. INSTITUTIONAL GOLD DEMAND WILL DRIVE THE GOLD PRICE Another factor which will drive the gold price is institutional gold investing for primarily inflation protection purposes. The latest pension fund to buy physical gold and store it in private vaults outside the banking system is CPEV for the canton of Vaud. They have switched out of hedge funds and into $600 million of physical gold. Swiss institutions understand the importance of holding gold in physical form  outside the banking system rather than holding futures or gold ETFs. I have explained the dangers of holding gold ETFs in this article from last year. We are also advising clients not to hold gold in any bank, not even a Swiss Bank. GOLD OFFERS INSTANT LIQUIDITY What institutions appreciate with physical gold is that it represents instant liquidity. Over $180 billion of gold (mostly paper gold) is traded every day. Gold can be bought and sold around the clock at the quoted spot price plus a small margin for physical delivery. SWITZERLAND – A STRATEGIC GOLD HUB Switzerland is the primary gold hub of the world. Over 70% of all the gold bars in the world are refined in Switzerland. Gold is 29% 0f Swiss exports and thus strategically important. It is critical that investors have direct access to their own gold bars in the vault without passing through an intermediary as this would represent an undesirable counterparty risk. Also, any intermediary organising the purchase and storage of the gold should be a Swiss company. Holding gold in Switzerland organised by for example a US or UK company adds a layer of jurisdictional risk. All gold held in Swiss private vaults are subject to Swiss regulatory control and compliance. Gold which does not comply with the fiscal laws of the beneficial holder is not accepted by any vault. Swiss private gold vaults have no reporting requirements to any country. This protects the confidentiality of the holder. WORLD’S BIGGEST PRIVATE GOLD VAULT IN SWISS ALPS The vault in the video below is a Swiss owned private vault in the Swiss Alps. It is the biggest private gold vault in the world and the safest. Tyler Durden Thu, 06/24/2021 - 20:05

The Forgotten History Of Banking (And What Happens Next)

The Forgotten History Of Banking (And What Happens Next) Authored by Tuomas Malinen via, Banking is at the heart of modern economic systems. The history of banking is also very long. The first banks appeared around 2,500 years ago, according to the latest historical research. As we have explained previously, banks generate most of the new money in circulation. They have also enabled major economic and societal upheavals, including the Industrial Revolution. Now, banks are central to the approaching change, or ‘battle’, within our economic systems. In this second blog of our financial history series, we go through the development of banking from that of early money exchangers to the rise of the ‘shadow banking’ sector, and we explain how the modern banking system operates. Photo by Brock Wegner on Unsplash The origins As we explained in the previous blog, banking practices developed in Ancient Greece, more precisely in the harbor city of Piraeus, where the local bankers, or trapezitai, took deposits and provided loans at the end of the fifth century BCE. Still, the first known banks that truly resembled modern banks operated in Imperial Rome. The argentarii, who appear in the Roman history in mid-fourth century BCE, took deposits, advanced money to clients, lent to bidders at auction and transferred money via bills of exchange. Due to the sophistication of this banking system, it is no surprise that Rome also experienced the first banking crises. More on this later. Simple merchant banks, usually in the service of the rulers, appeared to Europe in the 14th century. They were concentrated in financing the production of and trade in commodities. While the Chinese had invented bookkeeping, it only appeared at the center of western development and civilization through Italian banks and the scholastic work of Lucca Pacioli in 1494.  The first modern banks and payment systems arose from merchant fairs where commodity trades were settled. At the merchant fairs of Lyons, in the mid-1500s, merchants realized that the trustworthiness of well-known international merchants made it possible to pass their promissory notes (a promise to reimburse at a later date) to lesser-known local merchants to create a credit system, where bilateral promises between local and international merchants were paid out as liquid liabilities. These could then easily be assigned from creditor to creditor and, in essence, create money and credit. There, basically, the fractional reserve banking system was born. Fractional reserve banking In a fractional banking system only a small portion—or “fraction”—of the liabilities, like deposits, and assets, like loans, are covered by the reserves or the capital of a bank. A bank is an exceptional entity in the sense that while, for example, the output of a tractor company is tractors, the output of a bank is debt. This debt is given out as an IOU or, more precisely, as a bank deposit. Basically, the bank promises that whatever sum you may deposit there, you can get it back whenever you want; a contractual warranty of a sort.   The problem in fractional reserve banking system is that only a fractional share of this bank debt is covered at any point in time. So, a banking crisis will develop when the holders of bank debt—also known as “depositors”—demand to convert their claims to cash or other liquid forms of assets in excess of the reserves of the bank. In addition to deposits, this bank debt can be bonds, derivatives or interbank funding obtained from interbank markets. Reserves and central banks Before the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1914, banks in the U.S. established reserves by themselves through clearinghouses. Because banks wanted to earn interest on their reserves, they lent reserves to other banks. Reserves were re-lent and re-lent between banks until they eventually were lent out to earn enough to cover the interest promised on the reserves. These became known as “fictitious reserves”.  The Banking Act of 1933 prohibited interest payments on all demand deposits in the U.S. The inputs used to create bank debt include the capital of the bank, assets, and the regulatory environment, which dictates, for instance, what “reserve ratio” banks must meet.  Due to technological and financial innovations, the proportion of bank capital required as a factor for determining bank debt levels has declined, basically, ever since the creation of modern banks. So, the capital banks are required to hold against liabilities has declined similarly throughout the development of modern banking. As banking officials often consider strong capital levels as a source of stability, boosting the trustworthiness of a bank, it has been regulated since the 1980s. However, because banking crises are essentially about capital flight—either in physical or digital form—against bank liabilities, they cannot be stopped by high capital or reserve requirements.  This is something history shows very clearly. ‘Shadow banking’ Since the birth of banking, banks have been at the forefront of risk distribution through diversification and hedging. In the U.S., banks started to sell mortgage-backed debt obligations to investors in the 1960s.  The idea was to distribute risk outside the balance sheet of banks, which would make more funds available for lending. This is essentially the point, when ‘shadow banking’ was born. In the 1990s, diversification and hedging took a big leap forward when the credit default swap, CDS, was developed. In it, the risk of a loan is offset by a third party to which the bank—or, more generally, the issuer of a loan—pays a fee for the insurance. This new system of risk distribution through diversification and hedging was elevated to a new level after the derivatives team at J.P. Morgan invented a sort of shell-company, or SPV (“Special Purpose Vehicle”), to carry certain bank loans off the bank’s balance sheet. An SPV bundled risky loans and sold them on to investors according to calculated risk tranches, which investors then received interest income based on the riskiness of each tranche in their possession. The construct was called Bistro (“Broad index secured trust offering”). Further innovations included the synthetic collateralized debt obligation, or CDO. It was standardized, a more general version of the Bistro, and it could be constructed from not just CDS and other derivatives, but also from different debt securities, such as mortgages. The shadow banking sector can be said to consist of all financial entities that provide loans, but are not regulated under the standard banking regulatory framework. These include investment banks, SPVs, structured investment vehicles (SIVs), hedge funds, conduits and money market funds. The Global Financial Crisis of 2008 was caused by the cascading failures of ‘shadow banks’. Banks and liberty So, banks and banking have been around since the early days of human civilization.   Athenian banks decoupled finance from other enterprises making it easier to support distant maritime trade. Egypt set up state banks as early as the third century BCE, under Macedonian rule.  The Roman Empire developed the principles of modern banking, which were finalized in Europe in the Middle-Ages. Central banks, fairly new creations, started to dominate the banking system in the 1920s. Since then, their grip on the banking and financial systems has intensified. Through the issuance of central bank digital currencies, CBDCs, they could rise to rule the whole banking system and thus the economy. Alas, CBDCs are likely to become the single biggest threat to banking industry since its inception. Those who champion centralized control over the economy naturally applaud the idea of CBDCs. They may even see the banking industry as “evil” and welcome the “relief” brought by such centralized control. However, they also should acknowledge that modern commercial banks, and their ancestors, have been crucial in building our current standards of living. They should also remember the historical lessons, the horrors and the poverty of centrally-controlled economic systems, such as under communism. Thus, everyone should also ask themselves what the world would look like if a government entity, like a central bank, dictates who gets funding for what project? This is the road we are heading down with the issuance of CBDCs—and we fear the answer. Historical accounts are based on: William Goetzmann: Money Changes Everything: How Finance Made Civilization Possible; Gary B. Gorton: Misunderstanding Financial Crises: Why We Don’t See Them Coming; and Felix Martin: Money: The Unauthorized Biography. Gillian Tett: Fool’s Gold. *  *  * We provide in-depth analysis and forecasts on the risks haunting the global economy and the financial markets in our Q-Review reports and Deprcon Service. They are are available at our Store. See our Crisis Preparation -reports for guidelines how to prepare for the coming financial crash. Tyler Durden Thu, 06/24/2021 - 19:25

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Manufacturing (New Normal) “Reality”

by CJ Hopkins, Off Guardian: The ultimate goal of every totalitarian system is to establish complete control over society and every individual within it in order to achieve ideological uniformity and eliminate any and all deviation from it. This goal can never be achieved, of course, but it is the raison d’ĂȘtre of all totalitarian […]