Friday, December 24, 2021

Defiance Grows In Face Of Another COVID Christmas

Defiance Grows In Face Of Another COVID Christmas Most of us probably thought, or at the very least hoped, that Christmas 2020 was going to be a one-off - a festive period which for many was devoid of the usual social gatherings and traditions we look forward to and treasure. Alas, as Statista's Martin Armstrong notes, here we are in December 2021 with Covid cases in a large number of countries rising drastically and many people facing renewed restrictions or even another dose of full lockdown. As a survey conducted by Statista in early November shows though, there is a rising defiance in the United States and United Kingdom to not let Christmas be "cancelled" this time round. You will find more infographics at Statista Although the measures which their respective governments may implement is a fluid situation, around 30 percent of respondents said that they are not planning on giving up any of their Christmas traditions or activities in 2021 - a stark rise compared to the roughly 15 percent recorded by Statista in both countries last time around. Tyler Durden Fri, 12/24/2021 - 22:30

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