Saturday, November 13, 2021

As Housing Market Boom Drags On, Just 13% Of Gen Z Say Owning A Home Is "Extremely Important"

As Housing Market Boom Drags On, Just 13% Of Gen Z Say Owning A Home Is "Extremely Important" When it comes to the housing market, millennials and Gen Z have something in common: both generations came of age during particularly turbulent times for housing markets. Millennials faced the housing market, when the supposedly "impossible" - the real estate would move down - in reality, game to pass. A decade later, housing prices are back at all-time highs, and only 13% of would-be millennial homeowners is "extremely attainable."  Combining survey views on attainability and important, we find that just 9% of Gen Z view homeownership as both "extremely important" and "extremely attainable." This is significantly less than the comparable rates for young millennials (16%) and older millennials (17%). Despite a generally positive outlook on homeownership, it’s not a goal that many Gen Z renters are actively working toward. Just 16% say that it’s currently their top financial priority, well below the shares that are prioritizing personal savings and investments (35%) and paying down debt (27%). The survey further highlighted the growing gap between Gen Zers with parents, and those without. Oftentimes, gathering enough money for a downpayment, it advanced. 56 percent of Gen Z respondents say that they expect help from family with a future down payment. Among those with high confidence of down payment assistance, over 56 percent feel that homeownership is extremely attainable, but for those who do not expect any assistance, just 17 percent consider homeownership extremely attainable. Finally, as more officers return to the office, others see emote work as likely to shape future housing choices for Gen Z, but among Gen Z respondents, just 17% view remote work as an extremely desirable working arrangement, compared to nearly one-third of millennials. Roughly one-third of Gen Zers said that being in a low-cost housing market is the most important factor determining where they would like live. Although for-sale homes remain in high demand, the homeownership rate in the United States has been gradually declining for generations. Despite being in their prime homebuying years, a growing pool of millennials are continuing to rent, sidelined from the for-sale market by a lack of affordability. A growing pool of millennials are continuing to rent, sidelined from the for-sale market by a lack of affordability. know. The big question now: Will the Gen Zers follow suit? Comparisons of Gen Z and millennials tend to focus on their differences, Perhaps a reflection of their youthful idealism, Gen Z sees housing as more important long tierm. 77% of Gen Z renters say that they consider homeownership at least somewhat attainable within the next ten years. While lower than the share who view homeownership as important. Gen Zers are still young, many don't yet see homeownership as a critical financial goal. Still, only the wealthiest Millennials and Gen Z who have parents to help them pay their down payments can really afford a home.  It's just another example of how family wealth and an inheritance will give millions of Americans a financial leg up.  While others who invested early in Tesla, BTC and Ethereum will look to use that as their "seed corn" for a life. Tyler Durden Sat, 11/13/2021 - 19:00

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